IT User Tips

How to Archive Emails or Folders in Outlook 2007

Archive Emails or Folders in Outlook 2007

How to Archive Emails or Folders in Outlook 2007?

Archiving means moving messages to an archive folder at scheduled intervals to free up the space in your mailbox. There are various reasons why it may be necessary to archive emails.

One way to back up the e-mail messages is to use the Outlook AutoArchive feature. AutoArchive is turned on by default and runs every 14 days.

You can change how often AutoArchive shall run, specify the Outlook data file (.pst) used to store archived items and choose when items in your Outlook folders are subject to being archived. This guide describes how you can archive email using Microsoft Outlook 2007.

Steps to Archive Emails or Folders in Outlook 2007

Step 1: Open Microsoft Outlook 2007 and select the “File” menu at the top and then click on the “Archive” option from the drop-down list.

how to archive emails folders outlook 2007 step1

Step 2: The “Archive” window will open then choose one of the following, “Archive all folders to their AutoArchive settings” or “Archive this folder and all the subfolders” by clicking on the radio button at the top.

Now select the folder which you want to archive.

how to archive emails folders outlook 2007 step2

Step 3: Choose a date from the “Archive items older than” list to archive the folders till that date.

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Step 4: Check the ‘Include items with “Do not AutoArchive” checked’ which include items that you previously selected not to be archived.

how to archive emails folders outlook 2007 step4

Step 5: Browse the file other than “Archive.pst” file to change the default file then specify a different file name and a location on the text field shown in the image.

how to archive emails folders outlook 2007 step5

Step 6: Click on “OK” to archive your folder till the date you have mentioned above.

how to archive emails folders outlook 2007 step6

Step 7: Now you have successfully archived your folder in Outlook 2007.

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